Basement Crack Repair

Over 20 years of experience

NYC Licensed & Insured

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Basement Crack Repair In Queens NY
Our basement crack repair team specializes in:
When you hire us, we will start with a free, in-home basement consultation. At this time we will thoroughly inspect and troubleshoot any issue in your basement. One of the first things we look for are cracks in your home’s foundation.
In our experience, foundation cracks tend to be more common in older structures, but unfortunately we have also been finding cracks in newer homes where the concrete may not have settled properly.Let’s talk more about how these cracks have made their way into your basement.
Well, basement cracks can occur for many reasons including: poor construction, soil condition/settlements, or by Mother nature herself via an earthquake, hurricane, blizzard, or other intense weather.
Did you know that poured concrete foundation walls are usually subject to unwanted water entry through wall cracks? In fact, 98 percent of foundation cracks form during the first 30 days after the walls have been poured. That’s why we always recommend that you have your basement waterproofed as soon as possible. Trust us, things can indeed get worse the longer your basement isn’t waterproofed.
We want you to know that we have mastered basement wall crack repair. This process can be done either from the inside of your basement using an epoxy injection method or from the outside where we dig down to the footing of your home’s foundation and then remove and channel the unwanted water out using rubberized urethane. We then install a drainage board to enhance the process.
But as we mentioned above in our services, wall cracks are not the only cracks in your basement that you need to be worried about. We also need to address any floor cracks in your basement.

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Basement floor cracks typically occur over time due to the settling of your home, inadequate drainage, and concrete shrinkage.
Basement floor leaks tend to be consistent with older homes because the building techniques utilized at the time did not specify that a substantial amount of gravel should be placed below the floor slabs. In addition, older floor slabs were not poured as thick as they are now. This factor combined with years of coming into contact with groundwater will exacerbate the likelihood of cracks due to erosion further thinning out the slab.
Let’s take a look at the kinds of cracks that could already be in your basement:
Contact our basement crack repair team today to schedule a free, comprehensive, no obligation, and in-home consultation at your convenience. We’ll take your basement from leaky to lovely in no time.
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